About Shazand Petrochemical Company
Shazand Petrochemical Company has established as Grass rot complex for the production of different petrochemical products such as Plastics, Synthetic rubber and other chemical from naphtha as feedstock.
as feedstock. The total saleable annual production capacity of the complex presently is 620000 tons achieved in eighteen production plant to serve domestic market...
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  Our Objectives
Great Objectives shazand Petrochemical Company

1.Maintain and enhance value of the stock in long-term
2.Key stakeholder or beneficiaries satisfaction
3.Increase the proportion of new target markets
4.manufacturing of new or expanded products

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Iran's Department of Environment Head appreciates the environmental measures of Shazand Petrochemical Iran's Department of Environment Head appreciates the environmental measures of ...
Dr. Selajegheh, the vice president and head of the country's department of environment, made the comments while visiting the Shazand petrochemical complex. He added that Sh... 

The Shazand Petrochemical Pavillon was welcomed by visitors at the Rosplast International Exhibition The Shazand Petrochemical Pavillon was welcomed by visitors at the Rosplast Inte...
At the exhibition, 650 companies from 10 countries all over the world are present. Shazand Petrochemical Company, as the producer of the most diverse polymer and chemical produ... 

Production of a Titanium Reactor by Shazand Petrochemical Experts for the first time in Iran Production of a Titanium Reactor by Shazand Petrochemical Experts for the first ...
Formerly, in acetaldehyde units that produce commodities like acetic acid, experts used to work with vessels and reactors made of carbon. But due to the severe corrosion of flu... 

   Office:   No.68., Taban St., Vali-e-Asr Ave., Tehran-Iran
  Tel: +98 21 82120 Fax: +98 21 82121

   Factory:   22nd Km of Borujred Rd., Arak -Iran
  Tel: +98 86 32630 Fax: +98 86 32631